Design narrow slot antenna for dual frequency

Chapter 8 Slot Antennas -

Fig 3. show the s parameter of the proposed design. This curve shows that the antenna resonate at two frequency.Fig 4 & 5 shows the Elevation pattern curve of dual frequency circularly polarized microstrip antenna at frequency 7.44 and 7.1 GHz respectivaly.Fig 6 shows the smith chart of the proposed design. Slot Antenna Uses Dual Polarization | Microwaves & Radio As will be shown, however, it is possible to obtain broadband frequency operation with a dual-polarized-antenna design. The antenna, excited by two coaxial-line feeds, is composed of four T-shaped slots and four cross-shaped slots in the radial directions of a circular patch. Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for Dual Band …


Dual Frequency Dual Polarization Microstrip Slotted Antenna ... 2) “Analysis and Design of Broad Band Single Layer Rectangular U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna ”, Seteven Weigand e.t. al. IEEE transaction of Antennas and Propagation, March 2003. 3) “Small dual-frequency microstrip antenna with cross slot”, Liu Wong and Yang, Electroncs Letter, November 1997. Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for Dual Band Operation (WLAN) frequency bands. In this paper, we propose a design of slot antenna having rectangular shaped slot along inset fed line. 2. DESIGN PROCEDURE For design, we start with conventional microstrip patch antenna and calculate the length and width of the patch using standard antenna design equations [4]-[6] at 2.4 GHz. The

Radioengineering - December 2014, Volume 23, Number 4

Design of dual band microstrip antenna at 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz ... However a limitation of microstrip antenna is the narrow bandwidth of the basic element. .... Frequency Notched Ultra-wideband Microstrip Slot Antenna with Fractal Tuning ... INTEGRATED SOLAR PANEL ANTENNAS FOR CUBE SATELLITES by design integrated solar panel antennas in lower frequencies, such research is not the scope of this thesis ..... 2.4 The equivalent circuit of the dual band slot antenna. ..... The solar cells are very thin (about 0.16 mm) semi-conductive layers . Wide-Band Slot Antennas With CPW Feed Lines: Hybrid and Log ...

In thi s sllldy, dual-frequency slot-loaded rectangular microstrip antennas were designed, fabricated and evaluated. The design consists of rectangular patch microstrip antenna loaded with a pair of narrow slots parallel and close to the radiating edges on the patch, which is feel by centre-fed microstripline feed .

This paper presents the design and simulation of a compact rectangular slot patch antenna for dual frequency operation at 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz using the inset feed technique. The simulation of the designed antenna was done with the aid of computer simulation technology (CST) microwave studio version 12. Design of Narrow Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna VSWR of the proposed antenna that is Owing to it objective is to design a reduced 1:1.03 at the resonant frequency 8.73 GHz. size wide band microstrip antenna; the Good broadside radiation pattern obtain in design idea was taken from broadband fig. 5. antennas to make the antenna work in a large band of frequencies of the many CONCLUSIONS ... Design Narrow Slot Antenna for Dual Frequency The slot antennas in this paper are designed on FR4 (dielectric constant εr = 4.5) with .. changing in width of slot antenna will affect on the resonance frequency.Investigation and Design of a Slotted Waveguide design narrow slot antenna for dual frequency Antenna ..

Wideband Microstrip Antenna Design Scott A. Wilson, Graduate Student Radar and Communications Lab Department of Electrical Engineering Penn State University, State College, PA DESIGN GOAL Design a broadband microstrip antenna operating over the 450-700 MHz frequency range with a gain of at least 8 dB.

A. Antenna Design A resonant narrow slot antenna is equivalent to a magnetic dipole, and at its first resonant frequency it has an equivalent length of ( is the guided wavelength in the slot). If the slot antenna is fed near an edge by a microstrip line and the slot width is properly chosen, at a frequency above the first slot res- Radar Basics - Slot Antennas A single narrow slot radiator can also work on frequencies ±5 … ±10% besides its resonance frequency. For array antennas, this is not possible so easily. Such a group antenna is fixed strongly to a single frequency, which is determined by the spacing of exactly λ g , and for which the antenna has been optimized.

This paper presents the design and simulation of a compact rectangular slot patch antenna for dual frequency operation at 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz using the inset feed technique. The simulation of the designed antenna was done with the aid of computer simulation technology (CST) microwave studio version 12. Dual Frequency Dual Polarization Microstrip Slotted Antenna ... 2) “Analysis and Design of Broad Band Single Layer Rectangular U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna ”, Seteven Weigand e.t. al. IEEE transaction of Antennas and Propagation, March 2003. 3) “Small dual-frequency microstrip antenna with cross slot”, Liu Wong and Yang, Electroncs Letter, November 1997. Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for Dual Band Operation (WLAN) frequency bands. In this paper, we propose a design of slot antenna having rectangular shaped slot along inset fed line. 2. DESIGN PROCEDURE For design, we start with conventional microstrip patch antenna and calculate the length and width of the patch using standard antenna design equations [4]-[6] at 2.4 GHz. The Wideband Microstrip Antenna Design - arXiv